The powers are amazing with awesome puzzle aspects, much better than enter the dragonfly. The bosses although easy are pretty fun and they are at a difference pacing than the whole game making it more interesting throughout. The graphics are really good for the time it was released, the water levels aren't even all that bad, there's still exploration in the water. I love the collecting aspect of the game, its so fun going around, exploring and finding secrets getting items. The gameplay switching from Spyro to hunter and others is amazing keeping you in the action. This game has so many good ideas but it falls short due to bad story telling but in all honesty it really isn't bad. This game has so many good ideas but it falls short This is probably the only Non-Insomniac Spyro game worth to play except the new remakes. This is probably the only Non-Insomniac Spyro game worth to play except the new remakes.

Byrd, loyal sidekick Sparx the Dragonfly or the all-new weapons-equipped, climbing Blink the Mole. In addition to playing as the heroic leader Spyro, gamers will also have the opportunity to play as weapons master Hunter the Cheetah, dive-bombing penguin Sgt. Outfitted with mighty new abilities including the Wall Kick, Tail Swing and Ledge Grab, Spyro will fight his enemies with powered-up breath attacks - burning opponents with Flame Breath, deep-freezing rivals with Freeze Breath, obstructing adversaries with Water Breath and destroying mechanical enemies with Electric Breath.

The fierce purple dragon will travel across dark, mysterious lands in which the environments shift from evil to good in real-time - affecting enemies, music, lighting, objects, sky and more. With the help of his allies, Spyro must seek out and destroy all of the Dark Gems to return the lands back to normal and to save the Dragon Realms from the evil dragon's tyrannical control.

With the help of his allies, Spyro must seek out and destroy all of the Dark Gems to return the lands back to normal Spyro must save the Dragon Realms from the Evil Red Dragon who has planted light-sapping Dark Gems all over the Dragon Realms in an attempt to capture and control the world.