These power ups are only used when needed, so they feel like a bit of a wasted potential. Fire breath burns things, Ice breath freezes enemies, Thunder breath shocks foes and Bubble breath is used only to capture dragonflies (it doesn't hurt anything).

These range from fire breath to ice, thunder, and bubble breath. Throughout the game you find Dragon Runes which allow Spyro to breathe different types of breath (and a Wing Shield, which is rarely used). I forgot to mention that this game does have a neat new mechanic which isn't that bad. You have to chase them down and hope your bubble breath power will catch them. The main collectible this time is the dragonflies, which are annoying.

You may think that's good, but it shows how rushed and unfinished the game feels. and another character literally show up once in the entire game. The graphics and music aren't that bad, but the frame rate and voice acting aren't good either. Overall, the game's presentation feels like a two sided coin. I think the original composer for the first three Spyro games came back to do the music, so I can see why. While mostly forgettable, the music tracks never get too repetitive or too unbearable. A few more voice actors return, but all of them barely say their lines in an invested way (but could you blame them? Take one look at the finished product and you see why.).

Despite the fact that Tom Kenny again voices Spyro (and about 15 other side characters) he isn't given that good of a script. A big problem would be the frame rate, which tries to go at a smooth 60 but barely makes it sometimes. In-game animations are cartoony like the PS1 games and the textures look fine (although some look like either stock textures or barely feasible).